Introduction: Several factors play role in creating the physical and mental health of an organization's employees, as well as their level of efficiency, one of the most important of which is job burnout. The purpose of this research is to explain job burnout based on resilience and social support with the mediation of personal values. Methodology: The method of conducting the research in terms of practical purpose and in terms of data collection is of correlation type using the method of structural equations. The study population in this research is all the employees working in the Defense Industries Organization of region of Tehran, who were selected using the convenient sampling method. The total number of participants in this research was .179 Results: The results of the research show that there is a significant correlation between resilience and social supports with the mediation of personal values and job burnout. conclusion: In general, it can be said: with a combination of organized social activities and education of resilience components, encouraging and persuading employees to carry out activities that they are capable of, and assigning suitable jobs to people in organizational jobs, as well as improving the level of self-esteem and Improving the level of the value system can prevent job burnout in military environments.
zarrin kelk H R, Davari R, Hashemi N. Modeling job burnout based on resilience and social support with the mediation of personal values in military industry employees.. NPWJM 2023; 10 (37) : 7 URL: