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Journal of Nurse and Physician Within War 

The Nurse and Physician within War Quarterly is a scientific-research quarterly focusing on military nursing, psychiatry and military psychology, combat medicine and infectious diseases, which is published by the Nazaja Health Department and in cooperation with the Iranian Islamic Republic Army University of Medical Sciences (AJA). The publishing history of this quarterly magazine dates back to 1996, when it was published under the title of "Nurse Quarterly", and since 2008, it has been published under a new title, which also includes medical articles. Currently, due to the limited number of scientific journals and research articles related to these diciplines, this quarterly journal is published once every three months with the aim of informing and publishing studies and articles with the aforementioned themes, and more than 70% of the articles in each issue are related to this topic. This journal get primary approvement in 2011 by the deputy of research, Iranian ministry of health and education, and final approvement in 2012 by the letter number 100/1348 dated 30 may 2013. 

Journal indexes: Google Scholar, Civilica, Magiran, Iranmedex, SID

:: Latest Published Issue: Volume 12, Number 44 (پاییز1403 2024) ::
:: Most visited published articles in last 6 months ::
:: 1. Sawant A, Shetty D, Mankeshwar R, Ashavaid TF. Prevalence of dyslipidemia in young adult Indian population. JAPI. 2008;56:99-102. 2. Cooper R, Cutler J, Desvigne-Nickens P, Fortmann SP, Friedman L, Havlik R, et al. Trends and disparities in coronary heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases in the United States findings of the national conference on cardiovascular disease prevention. Circulation. 2000;102(25):3137-47. 3. Hatmi Z, Tahvildari S, Motlag AG, Kashani AS. Prevalence of coronary artery disease risk factors in Iran: a population based survey. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2007;7(1):32. 4. Sheppard L, Senior J, Park CH, Mockenhaupt R, Chodzko-Zajko W, Bazzarre T. The National Blueprint Consensus Conference summary report: strategic priorities for increasing physical activity among adults aged≥ 50. American journal of preventive medicine. 2003;25(3):209-13. 5. Hann CS, Rock CL, King I, Drewnowski A. Validation of the Healthy Eating Index with use of plasma biom
:: New Journal website launched ::
To better serve its editors and authors and to improve communication,  our organization has launched a new website for journals. The new Journals System is proud to announce its new electronic manuscript submission and review system. Submissions for 2010 will only be accepted through our new system.
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