Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of death and disability in both developed and developing countries. The role of nutrition in preventing and reducing these diseases is undeniable. Objective: This study examines the relationship between the Healthy Eating Index, 2010 and cardiovascular diseases in patients referred to army hospitals in 1401. Methods: This study is a case-control study conducted on 119 patients with cardiovascular disease (case group) and 239 patients without cardiovascular disease (control group) referred to one of the hospitals in Isfahan. Personal information including demographic information, lifestyle and anthropometric characteristics of the participants was collected. Nutritional status was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) (including 178 food items) completed by face-to-face interview and food intake and Healthy Eating Index, 2010 (HEI, 2010) were calculated. Results: The results showed that the case group (with cardiovascular disease) had significantly higher body mass index, fewer hours of sleep, higher fasting blood sugar, higher fat intake, soluble and insoluble fiber intake, and lower Healthy Eating Index score. Individuals in higher HEI quintiles were less likely to have cardiovascular disease (e.g., OR = 0.01 for the first quintile (Q1), OR = 0.3 for Q3, and OR = 1 for Q5, and p < 0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that higher HEI, 2010 score is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
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