Introduction:combine learning is a promising alternative to medical education because of its advantages over face to face learning. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effect of three methods of face-to-face, e-learning and combined education on the learning of medical students of the Aja University of Medical Sciences in the course of mycology. Methods:This study is a descriptive and analytical study that examined 90 incoming medical students of the Aja University of Medical Sciences in February 2018, who were studying mycology in the first semester of the academic year 2021 until the end of the first semester of the academic year 2022 . At the beginning of the study, a pre-test was conducted and at the end of the study, a post-test was conducted, and by comparing the average scores of the students under the study, the effect of 3 teaching methods on the students' final scores was realized. Results:According to the highest score of mycology in the combined teaching method was reported with an average of 15.68±0.26, in the following, two by two educational groups were compared using Tukey's post hoc test. Combined and e-lerning , a significant difference was obtained p:0.019. Conclusion:The results showed that combined education significantly increases the average scores of students.
heydari M J, Farahnejad Z, Shahriari Mohammadi A, Shaddel M, Vasheqani Farahani M. Comparison of the effect of three methods of face to face, e-learning and combined education on learning of medical students of Aja University of Medical Sciences in the course of mycology. NPWJM 2024; 12 (43) : 2 URL: