Introduction: Human habitat has faced many crises since its formation. This highlights the importance of crisis management and its strategies. Among these, one of the basic tools of crisis management is education, so the purpose of this study is to review the role and place of education in bio-crisis management. Methods: This study is a systematic review of exploration in the field of crisis management and education. Data collection was done by the keywords education, crisis, crisis management, the role of education in crisis management, Education, Crisis, Crisis Management, The Role of Education in Crisis Management in main databases in the period (1379-1399) (2000-2020), After extracting 110 sources, after reviewing the articles, 58 sources were analyzed. Results: The findings of this study are presented in six sections Includes lexicography of concepts; Typology and typology of concepts; Paleontology of the concept of crisis management in Iran, Review the role of education in crisis management, Methodologies of education in critical situations and The last circle represents the experiences of countries about the role of education in crisis management along with educational lessons for Iran. Conclusion: The findings of this study show that education through different pathways plays a key role in crisis control and management. Therefore, the development of this type of training should be considered by policy makers and planners and more attention should be paid to the role of training because the country is currently facing various crises, so education is a fundamental strategy in controlling and managing these crises.