Introduction: Intentional releases or threat to use viruses, bacteria, fungi, or toxins produced by living organisms to cause death or pathogenicity in humans, animals and plants is bioterrorism. Contamination with biological agents could occur before or during the journey. In Iran the risk of such attacks is high because of the strategic situations and the presence of hostile forces in neighboring waters. The aim of this study is to present a scenario based prevention and response planning for battle cruiser and biological threats.
Method: This is a qualitative and comparative study in which by using the risk management methods and mitigation planning and resiliency in different social environments, we propose a model in dealing with biological attacks in cruisers.
Results: The beginning phase of disaster management cycle is mitigation and risk reduction. Hazards will be analyzed according to potential threats in the region, the environment, human recourses, equipment and time. According to the threats in the Middle East, biological agents in group” A” can be the biological hazards in the cruisers. We can determine the points of risk by calculating the return period, the severity of impacts and vulnerability of resources and the target group in a geographical area. According to the probability of each risk, we can identify priorities and regulate the possible scenarios. Then, the problems, which extracted from the scenarios, will be analyzed and the possible strategies for prevention and response will be developed. At least the scenario based response plan was developed. These plans need the planning teams and scenarios to develop. The biological attacks warning plan includes: the isolation of patients and carriers, surveillance system, drug prophylaxis and vaccination programs, Treatment, dead bodies management, provision of water and healthy food, a multi-layered system designed to communicate with the outside of the disaster area, decontamination, Triage, rescue and transfer to the referral hospitals and etc.
Conclusion: Scenario-based risk management model in bioterrorist attacks reduces the biological effects of the bioterrorism agents |