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:: Volume 4, Issue 10 And 11 (8-2016) ::
NPWJM 2016, 4(10 And 11): 63-71 Back to browse issues page
A review of the role of exercise and physical fitness in the health and capability of military forces
Mohamadhasan Madjlesi , Saeed Sepehrifar
AJA university of medical sciences
Abstract:   (5681 Views)

Introduction: Regular exercise and physical activity improves mental and physical positive impact as well placed to deal with possible complications in chronic disease risk factors and prevent effective stressful side effects. This paper concerned with: Brief history of the exercise advantage and physical activity on health, along with discussions on strengthening the will and mental health and physical fitness and how to communicate with them, how to increase physical resistance, clinical implication sedentary lifestyle, physical fitness and military health and performance.

Method: All available resources by using the right keywords listed in this article.The majority of resources in English and some in Persian.

Results: Exercise and physical fitness is associated with many factors needed for good health. Accordingly, promote and enhance physical fitness is a way to get healthy in the armed forces. Based on verified scientific new and old findings, sport and physical fitness reduces stress and leads to physical and psychological beneficial effects. It also decreases the risk of chronic disease and prevents complications of stress side effects.

conclusion: Due to lack of native studies need to establish a research center at the top of the pyramid structure of the armed forces and informed by experts In order to monitor the physical fitness, tests and the revision of the guidelines and the new situation in accordance with the needs and mission of military forces and studies to determine the actual local fitness indicators are recommended.

Keywords: exercise, physical fitness, military forces
Full-Text [PDF 593 kb]   (11400 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/04/11 | Accepted: 2016/07/4 | Published: 2017/06/24
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madjlesi M, sepehrifar S. A review of the role of exercise and physical fitness in the health and capability of military forces. NPWJM 2016; 4 (10 and 11) :63-71
URL: http://npwjm.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-281-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 10 And 11 (8-2016) Back to browse issues page
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